
Ecodesign is an approach that takes into account environmental impacts in product design and development, and integrates environmental aspects throughout the product's life cycle.

Visit the Responsible Communication website (in French only)


According to the Office québécois de la langue française, ecoresponsibility is defined as the quality of a physical or moral person, behaviour or activity that takes into account the principles of long-term respect for the physical, social and economic environment. An ecoresponsible practice or product should therefore generate the least possible impact on its environment, with efficiency, throughout its life cycle.


Ethics is the philosophical discipline of moral judgment, closely related in concept to morality. It is the fundamental thought process of all peoples seeking to establish their standards, limits and duties. Ethics is often closely linked to the political philosophy that underpins it, but it can also be linked to the culture, religion, beliefs and traditions of a country, social group or ideological system.


Greenwashing is a technique that uses communications and marketing to make consumers believe that a product or service is environmentally friendly, when in fact it is not. The origin of the word greenwashing comes from the word brainwashing and has been adapted to the environmental and ecological spheres. The consequences of greenwashing are twofold: consumers are manipulated and the environmental benefits are zero.

Consult the ADEME anti-greenwashing guide (in French only)


Impact refers to a qualitative result that can be measured over the long term; it can be seen as the ultimate change that occurs after a series of positive actions.

ISO 26 000 Standard

ISO 26 000 is an international standard established by the International Organization for Standardization. It sets out guidelines for corporate social responsibility.

Product Life Cycle

The life cycle of a product or service comprises all the activities involved in its value chain. These include raw material extraction, product design, processing, distribution, use and disposal of residues or the product itself. Life cycle assessment is a method for evaluating the potential environmental and social impacts and costs associated with all stages in the life cycle of a product or service.

Responsible Communication

Responsible communication is neither an object nor an end in itself: it's a systemic, holistic process that cuts across all aspects of communication. This global approach concerns communication actions at individual, group and corporate levels, and looks as much at content as at the way it is delivered.

On an individual level, each person improves their knowledge of themselves, of the Other and of common sense.

On a group level, responsible communication means cooperation within a deliberative space, where the :

- need for contact and recognition of the Other (interaction and solicitation);

- positioning in the relationship (inclusion and equality);

- being able to speak and be listened to in safety (curiosity and respect).

At a societal level, it relies on four pillars - responsible messages, eco-design of media, dialogue with stakeholders, efficiency and business ethics - combined with an essential transversal basic principle: the need for consistency in communication on these subjects, while respecting orders of magnitude.

Responsible communication, at all levels, contributes to the advent of a new society more in tune with individual, collective and planetary limits, in addition to putting meaning back at the heart of communication systems.

Visit the Responsible Communication website (in French only)

Responsible Digital Technology

Responsible digital technology refers to all information and communication technologies whose economic, ecological, social, and societal footprint has been voluntarily reduced and/or which help humanity to achieve sustainable development goals.

Responsible Management

Management involves taking a step back from daily management to plan, organize, direct, control and improve an organization's various activities in order to maximize performance.

Responsible management goes beyond the organization's own performance, as it considers it to be interdependent with that of society as a whole. That's why it deals with the triple constraint - social, economic and environmental - of sustainable development.

Its deployment requires us to rethink and choose strategies that embody the values and postulates of sustainability, to integrate new skills and to evolve our criteria and indicators of success.

Responsible management leads to the evolution of people, organizations and society, enabling the organization to perform over the long term.

Responsible Marketing

Responsible marketing is a form of engaged marketing that respects the planet, people and socio-economic constraints. In a context of global change, it drives :

- responsible, reasoned consumption;

- the transition of people, organizations and communities towards value-creation models that meet the challenges of sustainable development.

Responsible marketing improves the environmental, social and economic impacts associated with the lifecycle of offers: study and analysis, design of offers and strategies, acquisition, manufacture or conceptualization, implementation or distribution, use, improvement and end-of-life.

Visit the Success With Responsible Marketing platform (in French only)

Responsible Practices

It refers to the voluntary way of carrying out an action, an activity, a project, aiming at concrete results that respect the principles and values of sustainable development.

OROKOM's choice of responsible practices is consistent with the UN's sustainable development goals and the spirit of Quebec's Sustainable Development Law.

A practice is said to be "responsible" insofar as it integrates the following considerations :

- economic, environmental, social and good governance considerations;

- equity, liveability and viability;

- sincerity, transparency and ethics;

- related to anticipating consequences, reducing negative impacts and increasing benefits.

When the adoption of such practices stems from an organization's stance towards sustainable development, and when this stance is articulated strategically and transversally within the organization to aim for sustainable performance, we speak of organizational social responsibility (OSR).

Responsible Procurement

The purchase of goods and services is always based on such fundamental criteria as price, quality, delivery times, quality of service and so on. Responsible purchasing meets these same criteria, but also integrates environmental and social criteria relating to sustainable development and social responsibility. For Government of Quebec, responsible purchasing is used "as a means of reducing environmental impact, increasing social benefits and strengthening the economic sustainability of organizations, throughout the product life cycle."

Societal Marketing

This marketing approach is characterized by a focus on market needs in a way that preserves and enhances the well-being of consumers and communities. It aims to promote changes in behaviour and attitudes within society.

Sustainable Development

The ISO 26 000 Standard defines the concept of sustainable development as "development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." Sustainable development was first defined in the Brundtland Report of the United Nations (UN) World Commission on Environment and Sustainable Development, entitled Our Common Future.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The Sustainable Development Goals are 17 objectives that were set up in 2015 by the United Nations and that provide a framework for action for companies, non-profits, and governments so that together they can build a fairer and more equitable world. For each goal, a list of more specific targets enables organizations to draw up real action plans. These objectives allow all organizations to communicate with a common language regarding their societal impact, and to facilitate the creation of collaborative projects.

Sustainable Innovation

The Interdisciplinary Research Center for the Operationalization of Sustainable Development (cirodd) defines the concept of sustainable innovation as "a new service, product, process, or practice resulting from collaboration between different actors, which contributes to a socio-ecological, interdisciplinary, structural, and systemic transformation aimed at making society compatible with planetary boundaries and ensuring human well-being and societal resilience."

Consult the white paper on sustainable innovation (FR)

Social Impact

Social impact is the sum total of the positive or negative, expected or unexpected, sustainable changes in society generated by or directly linked to our activities. These impacts may result from environmental, economic, or social actions.

Consult the interactive Impact Measurement Guide (in French only)

Societal Responsibility

The ISO 26 000 Standard defines an organization's societal responsibility as being transparent and ethical with regard to the impact of its decisions and activities on society and the environment. This responsibility contributes to sustainable development, including the health and well-being of society, takes into account the expectations of stakeholders, complies with applicable law and is compatible with international standards, and is integrated throughout the organization and practised in its relationships. In other words, corporate social responsibility means addressing sustainable development issues as part of a company's strategy.

Sustainable Performance

Sustainable performance is characterized by the concrete, realistic application of a strategy within the organization. The implementation of this strategy involves the integration of criteria and quantified objectives for each project, as well as the measurement of its environmental, social, and economic impact.

Value Chain

The ISO 26 000 Standard defines the value chain as a complete sequence of activities or parties that provide or receive value in the form of products or services. As the activities and parties involved vary from sector to sector, the value chain differs from industry to industry and from organization to organization.