We accompany you in the co-construction of a well thought-out strategic plan that corresponds to your reality and your ambitions. By choosing to work with our team, your organization will acquire the means to become more effective, efficient, and coherent.

Strategic Planning With a Sustainability Mindset 

At OROKOM, we believe that the success of your organization depends on sustainable performance from an economic, social, and environmental standpoint. This involves several elements:

  • A strong culture rooted in your values; 

  • Coherent management decisions;

  • A managerial approach that respects your resources and your environment; 

  • The adoption of responsible practices to retain and attract talent.

Our team will help you clarify your next destination and provide you with effective means to seize opportunities while also reducing risks. The result? A viable strategic plan that reflects the reality of your organization.

Want to know more?

The Importance of Strategic Alignment

Strategic alignment allows you to develop a holistic vision of your organization. It establishes coherence between your decision-making approach (your strategy), your raison d'être (your mission), your values and your operational means.

The OROKOM team allows you to take the necessary step back. We accompany you in this search for coherence, at all levels, in order to give you the means to advance towards your objectives.

The Key Role of Governance

Are you wondering about the very essence of your decision-making system? Do you want to embed the rules, processes and expected behaviours in your organization's values

By anchoring your strategic planning in sound governance, you're taking three more steps towards sustainable performance.

  1. Effectiveness

    When each person and entity knows the guidelines for their decision framework, they can focus their energy on their specific sphere of action.

  2. Efficiency

    Clear and sound governance allows for a better distribution of efforts among the stakeholders involved and reduces certain risks.

  3. Inclusive Decisions

    Well-defined governance provides a designated space for the integration of individual realities and perspectives. Ultimately, it is a process that promotes more relevant and inclusive decision-making.

Our involvement can touch on governance at different levels, be it your organization as a whole, one or more units (executive committee, work team), or a specific function (communication, marketing, HR, finance).

"I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for having accompanied us with so much knowledge, know-how, kindness, openness and creativity. I enjoyed letting myself be guided with all the confidence and pleasure that I felt throughout the process. Your heart and mind are well aligned."

Nathalie Sapina, Executive Director of Autisme Montérégie (translated from the original French)

Focus on effectiveness, efficiency and consistency

  • Conduct a diagnostic of your current governance frameworks

  • Define the interests, roles and responsibilities of your stakeholders

  • Clarify and regulate rules, processes and behaviors

  • Define how decisions are made and actions taken

  • Put in place monitoring and continuous improvement mechanisms

  • Co-create decision support tools, policies and procedures